Quentin Fleming Architects
© qfa/dcch 2016  
v 1.31 26-May-2006
Chemistry building, bath

We are deeply committed to architecture in its widest sense, and have always subscribed to the school of Humane Architecture. We believe that our schemes demonstrate an approach which is both innovative and practical, and we work hard to ensure that they serve the needs of the client, building users, and the public at large.

Our architecture tends to concentrate on the internal environment — we enjoy space, and we believe that even modest spaces have the power to interact with the building users, affecting in some way emotions, attitudes and well being. If this is the case, space becomes much more than the sum of its parts, and for this reason we particularly appreciate working on healthcare, educational, and community buildings.

Our architecture is not restricted to an orthogonal approach — we believe that our work, which often uses carefully designed angles and curves, produces more interesting and flexible solutions more able to take advantage of site constraints.

The Practice has expertise of working directly with clients and user groups on large and complex schemes, enabling us to explore options and establish design priorities with them. We regard this is a crucial aspect of building design.

University of Bath
House projects
Other projects